Horoscope - Free Online Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes And Astrology Predictions (2024)

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Horoscope reflects your past, present and future life, and helps to unlock challenges,decipher opportunities and chances coming your way. Horoscopes prepared by our esteemedastrologers give you a detailed insight into the world of Vedic Astrology and how it affects your lives and its multiple aspects. It alsoprovide daily, weekly, monthly and yearly guidance through predictions.

Also known as Kundli, it is the foundationof Vedic Astrology. It represents the position of celestial bodies such as planets,nakshatras at the time and date of birth in one’s birth chart. An astrologer analyzesthe houses, planets and constellations and predicts one’s future. Mathematical principlesare used to calculate the next event, which is why the predictions are probablyaccurate. It is also used to check marriage compatibility between a man and a woman. An astrologer calculatesauspicious period to start an event or anything new or to carry out an auspiciousactivity.

Historical Significance

Indian Vedic Astrology traditionally do not mentions the principles of PredictiveAstrology based on birth chart and its twelve houses. Although, in its Atharva branch,core components of this method is mentioned clearly. According to this, there are27 Nakshatras in a Zodiac belt, which are further divided into nine different parts.The first constellation is considered as birth nakshatra, tenth for the professionand nineteenth one as “Adhan Nakshatra”.

Predictive Astrology is a celestial science which incorporates both positive andnegative effects of constellations and planets on a native. A detailed study iscarried out in order to give out suggestive predictions. The intrinsic yogic meaningof “Jyotisha” refers to the principles related to stars, planets and constellations.As there are 12 zodiac signs in Astrology, there are 12 bhavas or houses in Horoscope.Here is a quick description of elements they represent:

  • 1st House: Also called as Lagna Bhava, Tanu Bhava, Ascendant, its significatoris Sun and represents head, ego, oneself, body, prosperity, health, self expression,physical traits, personality.

  • 2nd House: Also called as Dhana Bhava, its significator is Jupiter and representsgathering, speech, youth, livelihood, financial success through career, taste preferences,food, poetry/art, ability to operate, expressive power.

  • 3rd House: Also called as Bratru Bhava, its significator is Mars and representscuriosity, motivation, interest, power, brother, friends, life energy, intention,will, passion, ambition, zeal, impulsiveness, sports, hobbies.

  • 4th House: Also called as Sukha Bhava, its significator is Moon and representsemotions, mind, upbringing, refinement, happiness, property, education, popularity,land acquisition, masses, vehicles, capacity to relax.

  • 5th House: Also called as Putra Bhava, its significator is Jupiter and representscreative intelligence, romance, games, children, education, speculation, past lifecredit, spiritual practices.

  • 6th House: Also called as Shatru Bhava, its significator is Mars and Saturn.It represents health and diseases, foreigners, pets, fighting illness, immune system,our capacity to work hard and overcome physical obstacles/enemies.

  • 7th House: Also called as Kalatra Bhava, its significator is Venus and representsgeneral relations with others, long term romantic relationships and business associates.As it is the opposite of Ascendant, it reflects over things we feel most drawn towardsand challenged.

  • 8th House: Also called as Ayur Bhava, its significator is Saturn, and representsoccult, dark/hidden side of life, sensuality, death, longevity, destruction/regeneration,research, mortality.

  • 9th House: Also called as Bhagya Bhava, its significator is Jupiter and representsgrace, dharma (life purpose), religious, philosophical or ethical principles oflife operating in the world and shaping our life events. It is termed as the luckiesthouse.

  • 10th House: Also called as Karma Bhava, its significator is Mercury and Jupiterand represents public status, material achievement, skill, career, success, politics.

  • 11th House: Also called as Labha Bhava, its significator is Jupiter and representsour ability to project our brilliance on the world, aspirations, goals, friendship,impulses, financial and material gains, excess and abundance.

  • 12th House: Also called as Vyaya Bhava, its significator is Saturn and Ketuand represents subconscious mind, liberation, foreign journeys, hidden nature, loss,wastage of energy, native negated by difficulties and sorrows.

Horoscope projects auspicious and inauspicious events in one’s life which are calculatedon the basis of planetary positions and effects of constellations at the time ofbirth. Every culture and country differs in their approach towards reading and analysinga horoscope, prediction methods and indications. A well-read astrologer can chalkout different houses and detect mishaps, good events, relationships, marital bond,auspicious time period, time of death, fortunes, etc. Horoscope predictions canbe obtained in four different styles:

  • Daily Horoscope Predictions: Daily horoscope predictions give you a quick insight into day-to-day eventsof a native. It shows how stars, planetsand constellations affect the life a native on daily basis, thereby resulting inthem facing opportunities and doing remedies to clear out obstacles.

  • Weekly Horoscope Predictions: Weekly horoscope predictions are determined on the basis of planetary transits,movements and constellations in the Zodiac belt. It gives a quick knowledge abouthow a week is going to turn out for the native, and what surprises are in storefor them.

  • Monthly Horoscope Predictions: Monthly Horoscope predictions tell about the effect of planetary movements ona person’s horoscope in one whole month. An astrologer has to understand how theseactivities can mark an effect on various aspects in one’s birth chart and then providewith predictions on monthly basis.

  • Yearly Horoscope Predictions: Yearly Horoscope Predictions give us a visionabout different events and occurrences in the life of a native on annual basis.

One must keep this in mind that predictions are not provided so as to anticipatethe future or give you a false picture. It motivates a person to do better and providesone with an outlook towards life. These predictions are informative in nature, entertainyour mind and show you that the nature supports you in different manners. VedicAstrology considers Moon tobe the main factor when giving predictions, whereas Western Astrology complies withplanet Sun. Hence said, horoscope predictions must be approached as an additionalbenefit rather than directing your life according to them.

How Planets in a Horoscope Define Us?

There are nine different planets in astrology representing numerous traits and featuresof every house. It reveals our deepest secrets, desires, multiple faces, personalities,likes, dislikes, interests and regrets. Here are those nine planets governing everyhouse in a birth chart:

  • Sun: The primary planet in astrology, it represents our goals and desiresin life.

  • Moon: This planet describes a native’s emotional responses and how they feel.

  • Mercury: This planet shows our thinking pattern and way of expressing.

  • Venus: It shows our capability to relate with others.

  • Mars: It represents our way of putting our energy, talent and skills to usein order to get what we want.

  • Jupiter: It reflects on our way of enjoying ourselves and expanding our understanding.

  • Saturn: It sheds light on self-discipline and character strength.

  • Uranus: This planet reveals how creative, inventive and original we are.

  • Neptune: This planet describes our capability to help others and in differentmanners.

  • Pluto: It reflects on our ways of growing and moving forward while strengtheningour self-knowledge.

Uses of Horoscope

Everyone strives to attain happiness, prosperity, peace, love and a happy maritallife. Although there are various obstacles and challenges in life which one hasto face and resolve. Horoscope comes in handy when finding the answers to all theseissues. There are multiple uses of a birth chart or horoscope, which are as follows:

  • Gaining Essential Information: Horoscope helps an astrologer to gain theexact time, place and nakshatraof birth of a native. These details are important for them to provide predictionsfor various aspects of life.

  • Character Analysis: A horoscope reveals a close-knit pattern of personality,character traits, physicality, nature, strengths, aptitude, intelligence and weaknesses.In simple words, these features help to create a descriptive image of any nativeand sketch out his/her personality.

  • Psychological Reasoning: Astrological analysis of a horoscope reveals aboutthe dilemmas, experiences, way of expressing desires, failures, success, behaviourand psychosis. This information helps us to get engaged with ourselves on differentlevel and go beyond the description.

  • Future Forecasts: What surprises await you in the near future? Will you getlucky? All these questions can be answered by analysing a horoscope. An astrologerstudies the combination of patterns and energy manifesting in different ways andgives possible predictions and remedies. As they know how the native behaved inthe past, they can certainly predict the future based on that pattern.

  • Relationships: Horoscope gives a deep, meaningful insight into relationshipswith peers, family, partner, business partners and environment. Natives get a deepanalysis of how they will react in the forthcoming circ*mstances and how well orbad their relationship with people will be.

  • Vocational Guidance: Astrology can be a suggested adjunct which helps andpoints out the right direction for studies or career. Based on the houses and planetsin a horoscope, astrologers can suggest the right career, profession, hobby or otherskills to get into so as to attain success. It indicates how you’ll enjoy certainstreams and what can be an ideal choice.

  • Medical Matters: The connection between each body part, twelve zodiac signsand nine planets can clearly be depicted through horoscope. A medically trainedastrologer gets valuable clues and reasons for tensions, stress and diseases sufferedby a native, hereby highlighting weak parts of the body. Hence, remedies are providedto cure such health hazards.

  • Auspicious Time Period: If you want to launch a new business, get marriedor host a new event, astrologer can calculate the auspicious time period or muhuratthrough Horoscope. A native commencing any task, activity or event during that auspiciousmuhurat bears fruitful results.

  • Marriage: Getting married within an auspicious time period is a big, fataffair for two people. Vedic Astrology says that doing things in shubh muhurat optimisesthe chances of a long, happy and blissful married life laced with mutual respectand understanding. Horoscopematching of bride and groom is carried out in Indian culture so as to matchthe compatibility between astrology houses, planets and constellations. After that,a propitious day is calculated to carry out the event.

  • Business Ventures: The birth chart of a native indicates the best time fora person to begin his/her business. If you’re planning to kickstart your businessand rise in the public eye, you must lay its foundation during the auspicious timeperiod suggested by an astrologer.

  • Financial Advices: Stock traders, commodity brokers, and currency tradersget an astrological advice on where to invest money. It also gives a quick evaluationof what might be the financial trends in forthcoming future. Expert astrologersidentify the auspicious date and time with accurate hour and minutes to make thebig investment.

Horoscope & Its Benefits

The birthchart, Kundli or horoscope is known to be highly beneficial for a native,as it highlights various aspects of one’s life. Here are some:

  1. One gains instant success as s/he knows the shortcomings, strengths, weakareas and influential qualities. The first house and its ruling lord signifies theskills in a person. Horoscope helps to identify the skills and talents you havewithin you, and put it to a good use. For eg. if you’re a Taurus ascendant, you’reruled by Venus. Hence, you’ll be more creative, innovative and artistic.

  2. You find a lucrative career which bears high success and satisfaction. Horoscopejust doesn’t tells you about your strong points but points in the rightful directionfor a brighter future. For eg. if Sun is ruling in the 10th house, the native willgain success in the field of medicine or administration.

  3. Evaluating a horoscope helps to point out the weaknesses, for which appropriateremedies are suggested. Horoscope narrates whether or not you’re suffering fromany dosha or your planets are weak, and gives rightful solutions. For eg. if yourchild's horoscope showcases weak Mercury, he will face challenges in academics andlearning.

  4. A horoscope indicates favorable and unfavorable time periods for investing, earning,buying or accumulating wealth. It acts as an advantage and brings in monetaryprosperity.

  5. As mentioned above as well, reading a horoscope helps to inform the auspicioustime or muhuratto get married. This event takes place due to the favorable combination of planets(Mars, Jupiter and Venus). It gives a quick idea about when one should marry. Foreg. a person gets married early or at the correct time when 7th house lord (houseof marriage) is in the sign of Venus, and Venus is present in its own sign or exalted.If Saturn aspects on Venus, then there seems to be delay in marriage.

  6. You get to know about the personality and nature of your partner throughhoroscope. It helps to understand how your partner might turn out through positionof planets in the seventh house. For eg. If Moon rules the 7th house, it means thelife partner of a native will be very attractive. On the other hand, if Jupiteroccupies the same house, it represents that the partner will be prosperous and supportive.

  7. Horoscope predictions make you optimistic and confident, as you have theupper hand in forthcoming situations. For eg. if you’re aware that the coming weekis auspicious to start a new job or business, you’ll prepare yourself and confidentlytake the necessary step.

  8. When an astrologer analyses a horoscope, s/he reflects on the influences by maleficplanets in one’s chart, and how it affects one’s life. It helps one to chalk outthe important events and informs of auspicious days.

  9. These predictions provide guidance for one to make correct decision and attainsuccess. It also sheds light on consequences in the future of the decisions we aremaking now. For eg. your horoscope will guide you whether or not this new job issuitable for you in the longer run.

  10. You get a quick insight about your future through daily, monthly, weekly andyearly horoscope. Ever-changing planetary frequencies on different levels oflife gives out different results, which is why predictions differ with differenttime zones.

Hence, horoscope helps to gain a better insight, and allow one to understand differentaspects of one’s life through horoscopic predictions. We hope that you like thisarticle and find solutions to your doubts related to horoscope or birth chart.

Horoscope - Free Online Daily, Weekly & Monthly Horoscopes And Astrology Predictions (2024)
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Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.