The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2025)

a a a a a a a a a THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Tuesday, July 2, 1968 Abolish North And South Carolina Deaths And Funerals Smith, both of Rt. 1, West End, Mrs. Carl Klabbatz of Southern Pines; brother, Claude Smith of Rt. 1, West End. South Carolina CHARLESTON James Robert Pratt, 71, died Monday.

Funeral 11 a.m. Wednesday at Dukes-Harley Funeral Chapel in Orangeburg. CHESTERFIELD Hubert K. Burch. 53, died Sunday at a local hospital.

Funeral p.m. today at Shiloh Methodist Church. CHESTER-The Rev. Joseph Quinton Carrol. 56, died Sunday at Chester County Hospital.

Funeral 3 p.m. today at West Side Baptist Church. Burial in Woodlawn Memorial Cemetery in Greenville. Survivors: wife: daughter, Mrs. Allen Bates of Rau City, Miss Judith V.

Bellie Carroll of Chester, Mrs. Harold Corn, Mrs. Bobby Jones both of Spartanburg: brothers, Robert Carroll, both of Greenville, Rev. R. Leonard Carroll of Cleveland, sisters, Mrs.

Joy Dixon of Greenville, Mrs. Arthur Pressley of Cleveland, Mrs. Graddy, Waters of Miamiesburg, Ohio. DARLINGTON Mrs. Minnie P.

Rhames, 78, died Monday in a Daningion clinic, Funeral 2.30 Tuesday at Kistier Fup.m. neral Home. Burial in New Hope Church Cemetery near Johnsonville. FORT MILL Larry Jones of Rt. 2, died' Saturday.

Funeral plans incomplete. GREAT FALLS Robert J. 85, died Saturday at home. Funeral 5 p.m. today at First Baptist Church, KERSHAW Joe C.

Broome, 59, of Rt. 1, died Monday, Funeral 3 p.m. today at Bethany Baptist Church in Westville. ROCK HILL David H. Colitz, 66, died Monday in a local hospital.

Funeral 4 p.m. today at Chapel of Bass Funeral Home. Survivors: wife; daughters, Mrs. Lamar Williams of Montgomery, Miss Martha Colitz of the home; sisters, Mrs. Frank L.

Winston of Philadelphia, Mrs. Herman Feinstein, Miss Martha Colitz, both of Providence, R.1. IMMONSVILLE Addison Henry Collins, 71, died Monday. Graveside service 5:30 p.m. today at.

Magnolia Cemetery in Hartsville. WINNABOW -Mrs. Nancy Galveston Sellers, 89, died Sunday in a Southport hospital. Funeral 2 p.m. today at Mill Creek Baptist Church.

Out Of State 5 HARRISBURG, PENN. Mrs. Gene Kemp, a former Charlottean, died Saturday. Funeral plans incomplete. Survivors: husband.

Wreck Kills Dancer, Passenger, Hurts Man By JOHN YORK Observer Staff Writer The wreck that took the life of Charlotte's first topless dancer early Monday will go into police files as undetermined." City police said they found no evidence of mechanical failure that would have caused a small sports car to swerve into a utility pole on North Tryon Street about 12:20 a.m., killing two women and critically injuring a man. The driver of the car was Miss Emma Lee Olena Teague, 20, of 1020 N. Brevard who danced at the C'est Bon Club on Central Avenue under the name of Chili Pepper. She and a passenger, Miss Jennie Fran Dunlop Lynch, 18, of Wadesboro, were dead on arrival at Memorial Hospital alter the one-vehicle accident. Critically injured was James Wheeler, 31, of 1226 E.

36th also a passenger. Patrolman G. W. Hollen quoted witnesses as saying that the small British car was traveling south on Tryon Street 27th Street when it veered suddenly across a traffic lane on the right and hit the pole. The car was traveling about 45 miles per hour, Hollen estimated.

Hollen said a close examination of the car after the accident did not reveal anything that would have caused the car to veer sharply. Miss Teague had been arrested at the C'est Bon Club Feb. 2 by vice squad officers after her opening performance as a topless dancer, She had been charged with indecent exposure, and the case was awaiting trial in Mecklenburg Superior Court. In the meantime, Miss Pepper apparently continued her dance routines and was arrested by the vice squad a second time on April 16, when she was charged with giving an immoral exhibition. She was summonsed to City Recorder's court, where Solicitor Taylor Blackwell threw out the charges, stating.

"We do not know what an immoral exhibition is." Blackwell implied that the courts and the police, were awaiting a decision the Superior Court trial. Chili Pepper Drove Car T. G. Ponder, Ex-Gaston Welfare Chief GASTONIA A former superintendent of the Gaston County Welfare Department died in a Raleigh hospital Monday. T.

Graham Ponder, 51, who lived in Raleigh, was head of the welfare department here from 1945-1961. A graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Ponder had worked with several welfare departments in state and with the N.C. Department of Public Welfare. Survivors: wife; daughter, Mrs. Lloyd S.

Nelson of Cleveland Heights, Ohio; brother, Reid Ponder of New York. Funeral at 4 p.m. Tuesday at St. Marks Episcopal Church here. Burial will be in Gaston Memorial Park.

Paul Sossamon, U.S. Marshal ASHEVILLE (P) Paul D. Sossamon, 69, U.S. marshal for the federal court district of western North Carolina, died Sunday night after a year of declining health, He had been deputy marshal over as marshal in 1961. since 1933 and, when he took In 1958 the Justice Department presented him with a certificate and gold pin for meritorious service, and said at that time that he had the longest service of any federal law enforcement officer in North Carolina, He is survived by his widow; a son in Nome, Alaska; and a daughter, Mrs.

William Munday of Ft. Benning, Ga. Funeral arrangements were incomplete, NOTICE OF SALE $2,300,000 COUNTY OF MECKLENBURG, NORTH CAROLINA BOND ANTICIPATION NOTES Saving Time, July 9. 1938, by the undersigned at its office in the City of Paleigh. North Carolina, for the following notes of the County of Mecklenburg, North Carolina, dated July 18, 1968, maturing on October 9, 1068, without option of prior payment, and bearing interest.

payable at the maturity of the notes, to which no interest coupons will be attached: $775.000 County Home Bond Anticipation Notes, $475.000 County Jail Bond Anticipation Notes, $450,900 County Office Bond Anticipation Notes, $350.000 County Jail Facilities Bond Anticipation Notes. and $250.000 County Courthouse Bond Anticipation Notes. Delivery of notes will be made on or about their date at place of purchaser's choice, A separate bid for each issue (not less than par and accrued ihterest) required. Bidders are requested to name the denomination or denominations of the notes of each issue, the interest rate not exceeding per annum (the same rate for all notes), and the city or town and bank or trust company therein at which principal and interest will be payable (the same place for all notes). There will be 110 auction.

The notes will be awarded to the bidder offering to purchase all of the notes at the lowest interest cost to the County, such cost to be determined by deducting the total amount of any premium bid from the aggregate amount of interest upon all of the notes from their date to their maturity. Each bid must be submitted on form to be furnished with additional information by the undersigned, must be enclosed in a sealed envelope marked "Bid for and must be accompanied by a certified check upon an incorporated bank or trust company for $11,500, payable unconditionally to the order of the State Treasurer of North Carolina, on which 110 interest will be allowed. Award or rejection of bids will be made on the date above stated for receipt of bids and the checks of unsuccessful bidders will be returned immediately, The cheek of the successful bidder will be held uncashed as security for the performance of his but in the event the successful bidder shall fail to comply with the terms of his bid, the cheek may then be cashed and the proceeds thereof retained as and for full liquidated damages. The unqualified approving opinion of Mitchell, Petty Shetterly, New York City, will be furnished without cost to the purchaser. There will also he furnished the usual closing papers.

The right to reject all bids reserved. LOCAL GOVERNMENT COMMISSION By: W. E. Easterling Secretary of the Commission Sealed bids will be received until 11:00 o'elock A.M., Eastern Daylight Death' Notices Unit Rule -Sims Continued From Page 1B North Carolina, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, Arkansas, Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. As for South Carolina, Sims is working with party officials to set a date for a meeting between McCarthy and the delegates and says that democratic officials have been cooperative.

Sims met last week with Gov. Robert E. McNair, to whom all 28 S.C. delegates are committed as a favorite son, McNair has remained uncommitted, but is considered a supporter of Humphrey. Commenting on his meeting with McNair, Sims said, "I came away neither encouraged nor discouraged." McNair apparently agreed that the delegates should get to meet with all candidates while remaining uncommitted.

Sims says it is probably accurate to say a majority of the S.C, delegates are leaning to Humphrey, but that a number have indicated to him a desire to meet McCarthy. "I think the S.C. delegates are using an intelligent approach in waiting until all the facts are in," he said. "I'm very anxious for McCarthy to get to know the S.C. delegates.

"He has the type personality we Southerners like He is not making a special appeal to the South or any other section. He believes strongly in a system of checks and balances and while he has a very compassionate concern for the poor, he is not for big. broad programs that offer false hopes." Sims said that McCarthy's the South is grow inpoorman that Humphrey's strength is not as strong as it was before the assassination of Sen. Robert Kennedy, He attributes this partially to McCarthy's continued demonstration of strength and believes that events between now and the convention will determine McCarthy's support in the South, "If they conclude they're riding a dead horse, they will turn to Sen. McCarthy to win." Sims says the strength for Humphrey in the South rests more with the politicians than at the grassroots, "They're leaning toward Humphrey because President Johnson has held continuous briefing sessions for governors and the vice president has worked with officials in his official capacity.

It is not a question of issues SO much as long political contact and cooperation with Southern political leaders." As for the threat of George Wallace, Sims said, "Any candidate for President realizes we must st have law and order, It is absolutely essential to hold society together." Union Schools Must Comply With Order Continued From Page 1B the county schools for the past two years in the 9,500 pupil Union County systems. Grades one through eight will remain at the West Union High School. Grades one through eight and ten through twelve will remain at the East Union School. The Union County Board of Education must submit a plan for complete desegregation of its elementary schools to HEW by December, Davis said. The West Union High School students will have the choice of attending Parkwood, Sun Vally, or Piedmont High schools.

Both West Union and East Union have been -grade, "union" schools in the past. North Carolina ALBEMARLE David Monroe Barbee, 63, of Albemarle Monday at his home, Funerals p.m. Wednesday at Central Street Presbyterian Church. Graveside 11 a.m. Thursday at Guilford Memorial Park in Greensboro.

Survivors: wife; son, David M. Barbee Jr. of Wallace: brother, W. A. Barbee of Dallas, sister, Mrs.

L. Williams of Greensboro. BESSEMER CITY Annie Elizabeth Coble Wolfe, 63, died Sunday. Funeral 3 p.m. today at Sisk Funeral Home.

Survivors: husband; sons, L. A. Wolfe Michael Wolfe, ers, Cone Coble of Shelby, both of Bessemer City: brothel S. Coble Jr. of Bessemer City.

BESSEMER CITY Mrs. L. A. Wofe 63, died Sunday. Funeral 3 p.m.

today at Sisk East Chapel. Survivors: husband; sons, L. A. Wolfe Jr. of Bessemer City, Michael Wolfe of Bessemer City; sister, Mrs.

Lillian Bullard of Bessemer City; brothers, R. F. Coble Jr. of Bersemer City and Tom Coble of Shelby. CONCORD Jones Luther Rimer, 92, died Monday.

Funeral 3 p.m. Wednesday at Second Presbyterian Church. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. Mary Penninger, Mrs. Ruby Caldwell, both of Concord, Mrs.

K. B. Cutler of Kannapolis: sons, James S. Rimer Charlotte, G. C.

Rimer of Concord: sister, Mrs. Lucy Porter of White Rock, S.C. CONCORD Mrs. Ruth Moore Chubirko, 49, died Sunday. Funeral 11 a.m.

Wednesday at St. James Catholic Church. Survivors: husband; John Mack Chubirko of Concord; brothers, Rev. Earl Moore Hildebran, Herman Moore of Cabarrus County: sisters, Mrs. Levia M.

Bfafford Policeman Shoots Man In Continued From Page 1B of events: Police were alerted by a burglar alarm from Family Drug Store on Laurinburg's King Street at 12:05 a.m. Both men ran out the front door and toward the woods when the officers approached, Parnell called several times, Quick said, then fired with his 38-caliber revolver, "He was trying to hit his legs, but the man was running in a semi-crouch, and it being dark and all Quick said, The woman called about 3 a.m., asking for two men that she named. Detectives feel the phone call was a ruse to discover what had happened to the man who was shot. Gastonia police, checking the address the woman gave, found no one at home, Quick said. Neighbors reported seeing a car leave the house about 7 a.m.

"She may not even be involved in the break-in, but we certainly want to talk to her, if we can find her." Quick said. Parnell remains on duty with the force. An inquest will be held after the dead man is identified. Scotland County Coroner Hewitt MacDougald said. Quick described the dead man as 5-feet-10-inches tall, weighing about 180 to 190 pounds, with brown hair and eyes.

He said the man was wearing a short -sleeved shirt and olive trousers, neither of which bore laundry marks. The victim's arms were covered with tattoos, includ. ing the name "Larry" on the right arm. "Larry" was one of the names used in the phone call from Gastonia, Quick said. Photographs and fingerprints from the body have been sent to the FBI and SBI for identification, Mother Accused In Pistol Death Of Her Son, 17 A Mecklenburg County woman was charged with shooting her only son to death Monday while trying to make him quit fighting his younger sister.

The victim, 17-year-old Tonv O'Neal McCullough, was pronounced dead at Memorial Hospital after the 2:30 p.m. shooting incident, County Patrolmen W. R. Trull and P. W.

Crocker charged the boy's mother, Mrs. Betty Jane McCullough, 35, with second -degree murder. Both the victim and his mother lived at RI. 5, Moore's Chapel Road. of Hendersonville, Mrs.

Lucille' M. Ellington of Charlotte. ELLENBORO Edgar Lee Petty, 50, died Sunday. Funeral 2:30 p.m. today at Sandy Plains Baptist Church in Cleveland County.

Survivors: mother, Mrs. Cora Melton Petty of Ellenboro: sister, Mrs. C. J. Willis of Ellenboro: brothers, Albert Petty of Rt.

2, Bostic, John L. Petty of Gastonia. FOREST CITY Miss Jessie Elizabeth Heatherly, 16, died Sunday in an automobile accident. Funeral 11 a.m. Wednesday at Second Baptist Church in Rutherfordton.

Survivors: parents, Rev. and Mrs. Wilson Leroy. Heatherly; brothers, Charles of Asheboro, Paul Heatherly of Waynesville, Wilson Heatherly Ralph Heatherly, both of the home; sisters, Mrs. Bruce Craig of Swannanoa, Miss Ruth Heatherly, Miss Carolyn Heatherly, Miss Patricia Heatherly, Miss Brenda Heatherly, Miss Shirley Heatherly, all of the home.

GASTONIA Grover Cleveland Childress, 75, died Monday in a local hospital. Funeral 3 p.m. Wednesday at McLean and Sons Broad Oaks Chapel. Survivors: wife; daughter, Mrs. Roy Freeman of Stanley; sons.

Grover William Childress of Hope Mills, Frank B. Childress, Paul M. Childress, both of Gastonia; brother, Jesse Childress of Lenoir: sister, Toy Bush of Hudson. GASTONIA Robert Ray Hall, infant son of Mr. and Mrs.

Hall died in a local hospital Monday. Funeral 3 p.m. today at Carothers Colonial Chapel. Survivors: parents; brothers, Paul Lewis Hall and Roland David Colitz, With Rock Hill Printing Firm Observer Monroe Bureau ROCK HILL. S.C.

A funeral for David H. Colitz will be at 4 p.m. today at Bass Funeral Home here. Colitz, director of traffic and sales for Rock Hill Printing and Finishing died Monday in a local hospital. He was 66.

"Colitz was a native of Woonsocket, R.I. He came to Rock Hill in 1929 when Rock Hill Printing and Finishing Co. first opened and was associated with the company since then. Colitz was a captain in the U.S. Army Air Force in World War II, a member of the Rock Hill Chamber of Commerce, the Rock Hill Country Club, the Elks Club and Masonic Lodge III.

He is survived by his wife: daughters, Mrs. Lamar Williams of Montgomery, and Miss Martha Colitz of the home; sisters, Mrs. Frank L. Winston of Philadelphia, Mrs. Hernan Feinstein and Miss Martha Colitz, both of Providence, R.I.

Burial will be in Laurelwood Cemetery, Dr. E.C. Pierce. Optometrist Of Gastonia GASTONIA Dr. Ellison Cline Pierce, a practicing optomotrist here since 1922, died Monday.

He was 73. A graduate of Northern Illinois College, Pierce was a past president of the N.C. Optometric Society, For many years he volunteered his services, examining children in Gastun County as part of the Gaston Lions Club Eve Program. The funeral will be at 11 a.m. Wednesday at Holy Trinity Lutheran Church.

He is survived by his wife; son. Dr. E. C. Pierce Jr.

of Dover. daughter, Douglas Whitlock II of Bethesda. sister, Mrs. Joe Williams of Charlotte. NC.

To Get Of Forestry' WASHINGTON -A portion of Pisgah National Forest in North Carolina will be established as the "Cradle of Forestry in America" by a bill passed by the House and sent to the White House Monday. It will be situated about 25 miles southwest of Asheville, in a valley known as Pink Beds for its mountain laurel. A portion of the Blue Ridge Parkway is north of the area. Initial planning costs will be $10.5 million. The bill passed 278 to 71 over the objections of Rep.

H. R. Gross, R-Iowa, who said this was 110 time to spend another $10.5 million when spending generally is being reduced. The Senate passed the bill in May. Rep.

W. R. Poage, said, "If you don't pass this bill all of the cost will be out of federal Poage explained that one of the bill's provisions is to authorize the secretary of agriculture to accept contributions and gifts to be used to further the cause of conservation and forest management. Clinton Hall, both of the sister, Deborah Lynn Hall of the home. HICKORY Oren S.

Abee. 52. of Rt. 1 died Saturday. Funeral 4 p.m.

today at Hickory Funeral Home Chapel. Burial following in Providence Baptist Church Cemtery in Vale. Survivors: wife; daughter, Miss Amelia Abee of Morganton; son, Terry Abee of the home; sister, Mrs. Jack Burress of Alexandria, brothers, Gilbert Abee, Shirley Abee, both of Hickory. HICKORY Mrs.

John Herbert Lail, 78, of Rt, 2, died Saturday in a local hospital. Funeral p.m. today at St. Stephens Lutheran Church. Survivors: daughters, Mrs.

John Keller of Rt. 2, Hickory, Mrs. Ervin Cazire of Rt. 2, Conover, Mrs. Floyd Starr of Newton, Mrs.

Kemp Michael of Hickory, Mrs. Everette Lail of Rt. 1, Conover; sons, Hubert Lail, 'Harold Lail, Wade Lail, Clyde Lail, all of Rt. 2, Hickory: half-sister, Bessie Bowman of Hickory; half-brother, Charlie Killian of Hickory. HICKORY Miss Sandra Elaine Barnes, 17, died Saturday.

Funeral was held Monday. Survivors: mother. Mrs. Mary Ward Barnes of Hickory: father, Lawrence Hall Barnes of Statesville: brothers, Steve Barnes, Tommy Barnes, Ricky Barnes, Gary Barnes, all of Hickory. LENOIR Cartis Wade Helton, 63, of Rt.

1, Granite Falls, died Saturday. Funeral was Monday at Advent Christian Church. LENOIR Mrs. Elma Ferguson, 70, of Rt. 1 died Sunday.

Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday at Mitchell Chapel Methodist Church. LENOIR Jimmy Ray MeGuire, 14, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Wayne McGuire of Rt.

7 Lenoir died Saturday in a local hospital after falling from the bed of a moving truck. Funeal was Tuesday at Mountain View Baptist Church, LINCOLNTON William Taul Rhodes, 57, died Sunday in a local hospital. Funeral 11 a.m. today at Warlick Funeral Home Chapel. Survivors: wife: daughters, Mrs.

William N. Hicks of Lincolnton, Mrs. Thomas P. Jackson of Charlotte; brothers, Jack Henry Rhodes, Robert W. Rhodes, both of Lincolnton, James F.

Rhodes of WinstonSalem. LINCOLNTON Virgil Hugo Powell, 49, died Monday in al local hospital. Funeral 4 p.m. Wednesday at Asbury Methodist Church. Survivors: wife: sons, Jack Powell, James Powell, Powell.

all of Lincolnton; daughters, Betty Jean Powell, Frances Powell. Shirley Powell, all of Lincolnton: brothers, Ralph Powell of Lincolnton. Gary Powell of Charlotte, Dean Powell of Granite Falls: sister, Mrs. Verna Lee Davis of Charlotte. LINCOLNTON Pearl Grace Nance, 64, of Rt.

4 died Monday, Funeral plans incomplete. Survivors: sons, Harold Nance of Charlotte, Dennis Nance of Phillipine Islands, Bobby Nancy of Ann Arbor, daughters, Mrs. Grimes Harrelson of Rt. 1. Cherrvville, Mrs.

W. B. Putnam, Jr. of Cherryville, Mrs. Joe Thompson of Charlotte, Mrs.

Kathleen Klutz of Lincolnton: brothers, C. L. Reynolds, Audie Reynolds, Bert Reynolds, Fall of Lincolnton, Dave Reynolds, Loas Reynolds, both of China Grove: sister, Mrs. Lucy McMurry of Lincolnton. LEXINGTON Leonard 0.

Dr. Chamberlain. Charleston Psychiatrist CHARLESTON. S.C, (AP) Dr. Olin B.

Chamberlain, 76, retired psychiatrist and a past president of the S.C. Medical Association, died Sunday, He had been in failing health for several years. The funeral will be at 10 a.m., Tuesday with Episcopal services at the graveside in Magnolia Cemetery. The Charleston native was a professor of neuropsychiatry and director of the Charleston Mental Hygiene Clinic until his retirement in 1952. He was a graduate of the College of Charleston and the Medical College of South Carolina who entered private practice in 1920.

He did postgraduate work at Harvard University and at the National Hospital in London, and was a fellow of the American College of Physicians. He served in the Army during World War 11. SHARONI MEMORIAL, PARK ERVICES TODAY Mrs. Ivy R. Jacob Beck, 50, of Rt.

3 died Monday. Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday at Piedmont Funeral Home Chapel. Surpivors: wife, half-brother, Henry Beck Jr. of Mrs.

Inez Fritts of Rt. 1. Lexington, MARSHVILLE Needham E. Hughes 42, died Sunday in drowning. Funeral 4 p.m.

at Chapel of Morgan and Sons Funeral Home. Survivors: wife: mother. Mrs. N. E.

Hughes of Peachland; daughters, Miss Ruby E. Hughes, Miss Julia Hughes, Miss Amanda G. Hughes, all of the home; sons, Elliott S. Hughes, Bryan F. Hughes, of the home; sister, Mrs.

Sarah McCranie Peachland. MARSHVILLE Needham Rorie Hughes, 9, died Sunday in drowning. Funeral 4 today at Chapel of Morgan and Sons Funeral Home. Survivors: mother, Mrs. Rachel Rorie Hughes of Rt.

Marshville; brothers, Elliott S. Hughes, Bryan F. both of the home; sisters, Miss Ruby E. Hughes, Miss Julia R. Hughes, Miss Amanda G.

Hughes, all of the home. MORVEN Mrs. Mollie Smith Jones, 78, of Rt. 1 died Sunday in a Wadesboro nursing home. Funeral 2 p.m.

today at Shiloh Methodist Church in Chesterfield County. Survivors: daughter, Miss, Virginia Ruth Jones Charlotte: sons, J. W. Jones, Robert Jones, both of Charlotte, Peter Jones of the home. NEWTON Forest Preston Richie, 92, of Rt.

3, Vale died Sunday. Funeral 4 p.m. today at Corinth Baptist Church, Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Vincent Johnson of Rt. 3, Vale; son.

Charlie A. Richie of Rt. Vale: half brothers, Charlie tel Richie of Vale, Dan Richie of Richmond, Walter Richie of Hendersonville. NEWTON William M. Honeycutt, 61, died Saturday.

Funeral was held Monday. Survivors: wife; daughter. Mrs. Bill Propst of Rt. 2, Newton: sons, Carl Honeycutt, David L.

Honeycutt, both of Newton: sister, Mrs. Fred Story of Lenoir. OAKBORO Mrs. Adam's. Huneycutt, 81, died Sunday in a Huntersville hospital.

Funeral 11 a.m. today at West Oakboro Baptist Church. SANFORD: Mrs. Mollie Alien, 91, of Rt. 3 died Monday.

Funeral 3 p.m. Wednesday at Bethlehem Methodist Church. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. E. Q.

Matthews of Rt. Sanford, Mrs. Nell Hall of East Bend. Mrs. Noral Gladden of Rt.

3 Sanford, Mrs. Lillian Wilkie of Gulf: sons. Nelson Allen of Rt. 3 Sanford, Marion Allen of Sanford: brother, Gray Hobson of East SOUTHERN PINES-Robert W. Kirk, 93, of Findlay, Ohio, died Friday at Moore Memorial Hospital in Pinehurst.

Funeral was Monday at United Presbyterian Church in Findlay. Survivors: daughters, Mrs. Grace Kirk Strong of Oberlin, Ohio, Mrs. Peggy Bell of Southern Pines; son. David Kirk of Findlay, Ohio.

sisters. Mrs. B. F. Stephenson of St.

Petersburg, Mrs. Howard Robinson of Palm Desert Mrs. Harry Spitler of Bloomfield. Hills, Mrs. Harry Denler of Detroit, brothers.

Charles T. Kirk, Harry M. Kirk, both of Findlay, Ohio. SANFORD-Mrs. Mable Monroe Pattishall of Kings Park, N.Y..

died Monday. Funeral 2 p.m. Wednesday at Miller Funeral Chapel. Survivors: daughter, Mrs. Bette Wilson of Kings Park.

N.Y.: son, Sandy Pattishall of Kings Park, N.Y.: brothers. John S. Monroe of Sanford. William A. Monroe of Miami.

sisters, Mrs. W. A. Killough of Hamlet, Mrs. Frank Leary, Mrs.

Arthur Server, both of Kings Park, N.Y.. Miss Betsy Monroe of Hickory, Mrs. Chester I. Williams of Pineburst. WEST END Baxter F.

Smith, 72. of Rt. 1 died Sunday, Funeral 4 p.m. Wednesday at Doubs Chapel Methodist Church, Survivors: wife: daughter, Mrs. Leon I.

Wiley Jr. of Southern Pines: sisters, Miss Myrtle Smith, Miss Mary Lee OK THE MEMBER, GOLDEN RULE THE ORDER Announcementa. TUESDAY MRS. BERTHA C. TARTE 12:30 p.m.

-Chadwick Methodist MR. C. E. CARTER, SR. 2 p.m.- -McEwen West Chapel MR.

C. E. MAYTON, JR. 3:30 p.m.-McEwon West Chapel WEDNESDAY MISS EMMA TEAGUE 11 a.m.-McEwen West Chapel MR. CLONNIE HARRINGTON 3:30 p.m.-Skyland Baptist Ch Church FUNERAL SERVICE 727 EAST MOREHEAD STREET Phone 334-6421 Mecklenburg MRS.

IVY ROOT JACOB Mrs. Ivy Root Jacob, who made her home with her niece, Mrs. James S. Crosland of 2604 Lake Shore Dr. day, June 30th in a WilmingWilmington, N.

C. ton hospital. Born in Louisville, Kentucky, she was the daughter of the late Orlando and Mary Van Pelt Root. She was a member of the Dilworth Methodist Church. Funeral services, 4 p.m.

Tuesday, July 2nd at Harry and Bryant Chapel in the a Oaks. Rev. Thomas B. Stockton and Rev. L.

F. Strader of the Dilworth Methodist Church officiating, Burial in Sharon Memorial Park. Surviving are a number of nieces and nephews. The family will be at the home of Mr. and Mrs.

Edgar A. Wohlford, Jr. on 5514 Lansing Dr. MRS. LOUISE NELSON PHOHL Funeral services for Mrs.

Louise Nelson Phohl of 2522 Vail who passed away Sunday, June 30, 1968, will be at 11 a.m. Tuesday at the yers Park Presbyterian Church, conducted by the James E. Fogartie and the Rev. Eugene Daniels, the ministers. Graveside services, Moravian Graveyard, Winstonconducted by Dr.

James Hughes of Home Moravian Church. Arrangements by Harry and Bryant. Friends are sending memorials to Scholarships of Charlotte Piano Teachers Forum at 2838 Selwyn Ave. MRS. BERTHA C.

TARTE Mrs. Bertha C. Tarte, a 80, of 111 S. Cromer St. passed away Sunday, June 30th, 1968 in a local hospital.

Funeral services will be held at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday, July 2 at Chadwick Methodist Church, conducted by the Rev. Kelley Jones, pastor. Graveside service will be held at 4 p.m. Tuesday at Magnolia Cemetery in Hartsville, S.

C. She was born May 24th, 1888 in Darlington County, S. daughter of the late Rochel R. Rogers and Carie Langston Rogers, wife of the late Fred E. Tarte.

She was a member of the Chad wick Methodist Church. Surviving is a daughter, Mrs. J. L. Ayres of Charlotte, a son, Paul R.

Tarte of Charlotte, a sister, Mrs. Ola Fisher of Charlotte, a brother, Millard Rogers of Indianapolis, Indiana, 11 grandchildren, 8 great grandchildren. The body will remain at McEwen Funeral Home until 30 minutes prior to service. MRS. SHIRLEY ROSE BAREFOOT TRENT Mrs.

Shirley Rose Barefoot Trent, age 32, 2507 Crispin died Sunday morning in a local hospital. Funeral will be Tuesday, July 2 at 2 p.m. at Hankins-Whittington Funeral Chapel, with the Rev. John R. Sills of Purcell Methodist Church officiating.

Interment will be in Forest Lawn Cemetery. She was born in Johnston County March 25, 1936, she was the daughter of Mr. Bertus A. and Dories Westbrook Barefoot. She was a member of Purcell Methodist Church.

She had lived in Charlotte five years and was a bookkeeper with Goodnight Brothers. She is survived by her husband, James K. Trent. her parents, one son, Wyatt A. Trent of the home, 2 sisters, Mrs.

L. C. Williams of Raleigh; Miss Sandra Barefoot of Newton Grove, a brother, J. C. Barefoot of Newton Grove, her grandmother, Mrs.

C. C. Westbrook of Clinton. North Carolina MRS. ANNIE ELIZABETH COBLE WOLFE BESSEMER CITY Mrs.

Annie Elizabeth Coble Wolfe, age 63. died Sunday evening June 30, 1968 at her home on Edgewood following an extended illness. She was the daughter of the late Robert F. and Mary Elizabeth Kime Coble. She was educated in the public schools of Bessemer City and LenoirRhyne College.

Mrs. Wolfe was actively engaged in church and community activities, having served as President of the Woman's Society of Christian Service, and a Sunday School teacher and as Worthy Matron of the Order of Eastern Star. She was a member of the Judean Shrine and the War Mothers. Surviving are her husband. L.

A. Wolfe, 2 sons, L. A. Wolfe, and Michael Wolfe, both of Bessemer City, sister, Mrs. Lillian Bullard of Bessemer City, 2 brothers, Cone Coble of Shelby and R.

S. Coble, Jr. of Bessemer City and 3 grandchildren. Funeral services will be held in the East Chapel of The Sisk Funeral Home July 2, 1968, 3 p.m., conducted by the Rev, George Lyndon and Rev. C.

C. Washam. Interment will be in the Bessemer City Me morial Cemetery. Read Classified Ads Daily According to Trull, Tony McCullough was fighting with a younger sister, Janice Gay McCullough, 15, in the back yard. Trull quoted Mrs.

McCullough as saying she warned her son to stop fighting. Mrs. McCullough was then quoted as saying that she went into a room and got a small, pistol and returned to the back door, where she again ordered the boy to stop fighting. When he reportedly knocked the young girl down a second time, the mother was quoted as saying she fired a shot from the pistol which she intended to go over her son's head..

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.